Guestbook: Pangaea

Total: 250 guests
Name: Tim
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dallas,TX
Time: 2000-07-22 01:29:41
Comments: What's up..The last I read months ago you found the place to berth in Hawaii. Are you moving on? I see the dates are year behind.....Really enjoyed the passage. I have a Catalina 25 and dream of the day when I move up and out to sea. I sailed around England ( took 2 months of tran rides and weekends back home to Ipswich) in the 70's. would like to sail from boston to england again when I retire at 55. Keep up the great site....

Name: Ben Siebert
Website: Side By Side
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: CA
Time: 1999-07-28 07:31:56
Comments: No update in a while, hope all is well. We will be back full time cruising as of 9/1. Two month old baby Noah doing well, but got sick from inoculations yesterday, scared the shit out of us. but worth it, you will fall in love so deep you never knew it possible. Best to you all, Ben.

Name: Don Kilgore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Albuquerque, NM, USA
Time: 1999-06-19 16:26:37
Comments: I love your Web Page--it is purely beautiful.

Name: christopher Hibben
Referred by: AOL
From: Richmond, Virginia
Time: 1999-06-17 21:41:03
Comments: Erika and Achim I had lost touch w/you, so I'm very happy to hear from you again. It's already two (or three?) years almost exactly since I visited you in Annapolis. Congratulations on your baby-to-be. I s'pose I should be writing this as an email, not guestbook comment. I'll let you find this. best wishes aloha Christopher

Name: Brad Ritterhouse
Referred by: AOL
From: Sand Springs, OK USA
Time: 1999-06-17 18:12:16
Comments: Loved your site. Keep it up. I think people are always interested in the most mundane aspects of a cruisers life. What may be common place for you is exciting and different for people trapped in the average "modern" lifestyle. Bon Chance

Name: Parker
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Florida
Time: 1999-06-12 01:09:28
Comments: Just thinking of you... On my way to Hope Town with my Pops. Scrabble just has never been the same since. Glad to see you two are still afloat.

Name: Lou Bean
Website: Caribbean Maritime Mobile Net
Referred by: From a Friend
From: You know that! St. Croix
Time: 1999-06-07 23:24:02
Comments: Great to hear from you guys. Drop me a line sometime. You are something else! I haven't yet had time to see your whole page, but am getting ready to go to dinner. Bud Straus gave me your page address. Check mine, think you will like it. Have fun, be careful and stay in touch. Luv, Lou Bean.

Name: Jacques Lariviere
Referred by: Tripod
From: Montreal, Canada
Time: 1999-06-05 15:33:01
Comments: Je suis heureux de prendre contact avec vous et d'avoir la chance de partager votre expérience. Je planifie pour mai 2000 un départ en bateau, probablement vers l'Europe en passant par la Açores, dont la construction, en alu, doit se compléter au cours des prochains 10 mois. En rechcerchant de l'information au sujet de la possibilité d'utiliser la radio SSB pour me lier à internet, j'ai découvert votre site.If your cannnot read French language, tell me and I will do my best to write to you in English. I hope that everything is goeing weel for you and I will be happy to have news.

Name: Jorge Granados
Website: Infor mation for masters swimmers.
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Spain- Palma de Mallorca
Time: 1999-05-28 17:02:47
Comments: Hallo there. I am glad to see that you still, go and go and go.... Congratulations Erika!!!! I wish all the best for your Baby. Achim please take good care of both of them Yours sincerelly Jorge Granados SY. Diamond.

Name: Kathleen Dabbs
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Carlsbad, CA
Time: 1999-05-27 08:28:31
Comments: My husband Bill and I made a three year passage from Southern California to Marquesas and beyond to Fiji. We had a great adventure and are now back on land with tons of memories we will take to our graves. I loved reading your episodes. I especially enjoyed your description of cooking under way and the wonder of the smell of land after 29 days at sea. All the best to you, and keep sailing as long as it's fun!

Name: M. Groebel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Near Karlsruhe/Germany
Time: 1999-05-22 21:19:43
Comments: How do you effort this? Where is the oney from? I would follow you if I could. My boat : A Faurby 363. Good luck!!

Name: Dan Meyer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-05-13 04:29:48
Comments: Anxious to observe your travels....

Name: Kristina
Referred by: From a Friend
From: The Faroe Islands
Time: 1999-05-08 12:30:18
Comments: Dear Erika and Achim, this time I'm kind of misusing your guestbook, hoping for BERT or YVAN to see this message. Along with me, they were line-handlers on Pangaea through the Panama Canal last year. So, Bert and Yvan (and everybody else, who I may know), send me a msg. Erika and Achim, I hope you are doing fine in the Pacific.

Name: Greg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia
Time: 1999-05-08 04:13:50
Comments: Great web site ! Inspiring ! Enjoyed reading about your Tahiti/TOM bond troubles...It seems the French are a bit self serving and overly bureaucratic...Living in Finland back in 86/87 I had to get a visa for France after Pasqua said all foreigners needed a visa(there were fly in fly out terrorist incidents.) I thought I could get it in 15 min by going to the Embassy in person...but they kept it 24 hours so instead of being in Besencon on DEC 31 I was on a German ferry between Denmark and Germany...and then from Swiss the gendarmes did not even want to look at my $10 visa or passport...At least I did not have to post a bond...And it was really interesting living in Japan when I saw a made for tv animated movie for children about some lovable sea creature(not a whale because they want to eat those) that the evil French Navy was trying to catch so they could nuke an atol or something like that...It was pure propaganda-the way the foreigners were portryed( and a bit too strong for children I think) but it did amuse me that it was the French being portrayed this way and in light of Mururoa and Rainbow Warrior maybe rightly so... Anyway I ramble too much...Enjoy Hawaii and say hello to Madame Pelle if you see her...I was on the Big Island in 96 and really enjoyed Volcanoes Park (hiked 13 miles on xmas day and my feet never noticed !) I must be walking on air! 8-) Aloha Greg

Name: Verena
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1999-05-05 21:52:56
Comments: Hallo, ihr beiden! Ich hoffe, ihr seid gut in Waikiki angekommen... Ich hab mir endlich eure Webseite angeschaut und war wirklich begeistert! Das sind ja unendliche Mengen von Geschichten, Daten und Abenteuern - kein Wunder, dass eure Fans abhaengig werden. Ich wette, dass das alles Arbeitsmenschen sind, deren einzige Abwechslung eure Geschichten sind. Stell dir vor du kommst nach einem 8-10 Stunden Arbeitstag nach Hause, schaltest den Computer ein und wartest auf ein update von Pangaea... get going, sweety, they need you!! Danke fuer das schoene Wochenende und hoffentlich bis bald, Verena

Name: Bine Merk & Jochen Off
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany, Konstanz
Time: 1999-05-04 16:51:59
Comments: Hallo Erika & Achim, haben schon einiges über Euch gehört-nur gutes-von Andy und Martin, SY Amazone. Wir hoffen, wir lernen uns kennen, wenn wir die Amazone im August 99 übernehmen. Tolle Homepage, wie macht man das nur? Wir versuchen uns gerade eine E-mail via SSB zu einzurichten. Es würden uns Eure Erfahrungen interessieren. Immer gutes Wetter Gruß Jochen und Bine

Name: gsalmon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Champaign, IL
Time: 1999-05-03 17:21:59
Comments: I have enjoyed reading your updates. Best of luck to you, Achim and the tadpole!

Name: Magnus Jansson S/Y
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sweden
Time: 1999-04-25 15:52:46
Comments: Life on the hard is hard! Got a respectable job and are trying to fit back in to society again. But the dreams are still there, to go again! Chris has gotten engaged with a girl from Mauritius and they are planing the wedding for April 2000. Aint' that something!!! All the best from your cruising friend Magnus.

Name: Grigory Semyonov
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Moscow, Russia
Time: 1999-04-25 09:44:47
Comments: Hello Achim and Erika! Your site is great. For me it was a window to a new world, as I've never been on any sea trip. I will keep waiting for new updates. Take care.

Name: David and Lucy Hartley
Website: Never
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Buies Creek, NC
Time: 1999-04-24 02:52:19
Comments: Been hiding out a long time. We sure are glad you are safe and sound.

Name: Madame Mary
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sweet Lorraine
Time: 1999-04-21 04:09:20
Comments: Erika @ Achim - Hope all is well in your latest port. I am back from SD and am happy to help if still necessary. Your updates show such a depth of intellect and diversity that I am proud to say I once was below deck on Pangea. Stay the course - or waver if it doesn't work for you. XO - Mary

Name: Dorothy
Website: River Thames and boaty things
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1999-04-20 20:22:50
Comments: Congratulations, you've arrived! Hope you both have had a good long sleep. I have enjoyed reading about your trip. Take care, enjoy life Dorothy

Name: Les Dembski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: British Columba Canada
Time: 1999-04-19 23:07:10
Comments: Hi, Good work and a lot of fun. I am going your way too, startig July 1999 from British Columbia, Canada. Have fun and I hope I will see you sometimes. All the best 73 Les VE3 NVS / VE7

Name: Claudia Carson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: New York (but recently moved to Connecticut)
Time: 1999-04-16 04:29:45
Comments: My husband gave me your URL as we have a dream of living on a boat and, for the moment, live vicariously through people like you. I look forward to following your adventures and learning from your challenges. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

Name: Kristina
Referred by: From a Friend
From: The Faroe Islands
Time: 1999-04-12 21:25:38
Comments: Dear Pangaea, Erika and Achim! Well, at last I found my way to your homepage. But I was disappointed that I didn't find any pictures at all?! I don't mean to be rude, when I say that you don't have to send me those massproduced updates, I can just find them on the homepage, but of course you're still VERY welcome to write me. Do you keep in touch with Yvan and Bert? I don't. It keeps me going to think about that I'm going back to the South next year. I got a job on "my" factory in Graasten again this summer, so I'm going to save up loads of money. Maybe we'll meet again then! Yours, Kristina

Name: Ben and Marilyn Siebert
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Fresno, CA / Wherever boat is (FLA now)
Time: 1999-04-11 16:51:16
Comments: Been following for a week, found through sailnet. Great Site! Would love to do similar while we cruise. Our first baby due May 30, 1999, then we move back to and permanently onto boat, a catamaran (Kennex 420). Will fill you in on what works / what doesn't if interested. Keep up the great work!

Name: deba erspamer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Battle Ground ,Washington
Time: 1999-04-09 23:23:33
Comments: When is the baby due?? Have been following you fairly faithfully since I found you a week or so ago. Godsped deba

Name: Dale C
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: North Carolina, USA
Time: 1999-04-08 16:25:43
Comments: I've been following your journeys for awhile and thought I'd drop y'all a line and let you know how much I've enjoyed reading about your lives. Also wanted to say "Erika, you're a nut!" Please keep posting updates, and good luck! Dale

Name: Thomas Stritter
Website: no title
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: FGermany
Time: 1999-04-04 21:51:36
Comments: Gratulations! Your homepage is very interesting. I like it. I do sailing as well and I am dreaming of sailing around the world in 2008/2010. See you then!?

Name: alfredo mesa(aquaman)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Time: 1999-04-02 12:43:41
Comments: I was just surfing throw the net and I found your web site wish I think is wonderful.I owne a power boat a Grady White 30feet and I have been boating since I had 15 years of age (now Iam 43). Tomorrow I will be departing with my family to cruse the U.S and British Virgin Island in the Caribean.I break my "ASS" (sorry) working through out the year that I can´t wait for this day to come. The anchorage, the beaches, the weather this is my little paradise. I will be departing from Puerto Chico Marina in Fajardo Puerto Rico (east) from there to Culebra (a small isle that belongs to P.Rico) to Saint Thomas to Saint John to Tortola, to Virgin Gorda and then back again to Puerto Rico. Thank you for leting people like me express themselves through you. May God be with you through out all your journeys and enjoy your live aboard life style. Yours Truly; AQUAMAN

Name: Matt devereux
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-03-30 14:37:37
Comments: Love your homepage very witty and spot on... I have a question...I have just purchased a boat and want to join trans ocean...Cant find their Email anywhere?? Keep up the tales, I'*ll visit again...Thanks Matt

Name: terry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: port protection alaska
Time: 1999-03-29 06:55:47
Comments: i spent 1 year in panama 1968---beautiful---jungle---plan to visit there agn someday---have fun---terry

Name: Suzanne Howe-Dostal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Redlands, CA
Time: 1999-03-28 05:21:20
Comments: Hi Erika! I met you up at Big Bear skiing last year about this time (I was the woman from Minneapolis who had just moved out to the "Inland Empire", my husband Mark is a programmer for ESRI in Redlands)...Lost your address till I found it on my messy desk today!(I swear it's been about a year since I've cleaned it) I'm just catching up on the past year's adventures...Congrats on the "tadpole"!!!(When Mark and I were pregnant with our son Kieran, we called him "fishy".) Being a parent is a trip, a roller coaster two will do great as parents. So what if it isn't the typical suburban lifestyle (that is certainly not all it's cracked up to be!)...your child will have a rich life experience of different cultures and people that you two will be able to give, something most people couldn't even fathom. I wish you the best. Take care, Suz (

Name: Grant & Candace
Website: Eukia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Time: 1999-03-27 03:20:28
Comments: Enjoyed your pages. Hope to be doing the same as you in five years. Planning a trip to Sea of Cortez in Oct. 99. Have you run into any Customs or governmental headaches in your international travals. I mean beyond the normal hurry and wait. We are planning to buy a 45'-55' cat in two years for our travel. We are now sailing a 28' Buccanner with a home-made cutter rig. The boat is a bit small, even for two, but it's fun to have to really sail. Check out our web page for grins and giggles. Happy sailing and may Neptune be kind. Grant

Name: Steve Lochner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sandusky, Ohio. USA
Time: 1999-03-22 19:06:21
Comments: I am planning an extended cruise starting late 1999 with my two sons - age 23 & 26. Interested in e-mail via ham/ssb - and was investigating that through a winlink site - and got your referral that way. Enjoyed your site very much - keeps me motivated for all the work I have to do to get my voyage underway. Keep those wahines smiling - Lochner boys are on their way.

Name: Jared Dewitt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-03-19 12:48:02
Comments: Have been following you for several months. Keep checking for updates. Hope you are both doing well. Can't wait to read more. Loved the recent pictures. Thanks for taking the time to share your adventures with us.

Name: Doug Sahlin
Website: Doug's Digital Domain
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lakeland, Florida
Time: 1999-03-16 04:31:31
Comments: Hi Erika, Haven't heard from you in a while. How's it going? Drop me a line if you have the time. I've had some exciting changes in my life. Cheers, Doug Sahlin

Name: Karen Sahlin
Referred by: From a Friend
From: St. Pete Beach, FL
Time: 1999-03-13 00:09:02
Comments: I'm Doug Sahlins' sister. He does thewetpages. I lived on a 40 foot Rhodes ketch in the 1970s, never made it beyond the Bahamas. Now I have a waterfront home on Boca Ciega Bay and am looking to buy a sailboat. Any recommendations? Love your stories. Karen

Name: Michael Miller
Referred by: Lycos
From: Toronto, Canada
Time: 1999-03-07 11:45:08
Comments: Erika: Congratulations on your new baby. Heck, congratulations on your life. I've just spent the last month or so wading through the last few years of your life. Thanks very much for sharing your experiences. They have been very inspiring. In the interest of fair play, here's a little bit about me. I'm a 22 year old college student studying Programming and Analysis. I have developed an interest in the cruising lifestyle after reading of your adventures, and other stories. Of course, there are a few hitches to work out, such as not having a boat, lack of cash, and the fact that I don't know how to sail. None the less, the idea has been growing on me for quite a while now. I plan to investigate the harbour in my new city of Toronto this summer, and see if I can scrape together the money to take some sailing lessons. Hopefully the experience will tell me whether this is for me. In any event, and the one thing I have a lot of is time. P.S. Any time you want to write about your "ketch," "mizzen," or "Jenny" just go right ahead - it's not boring at all.

Name: bernard
Referred by: AOL
From: germany
Time: 1999-03-03 15:28:43
Comments: liebe erika,lieber achim..wir gehen ab sommer auch für einige jahre auf blauwasserfahrt.könntet ihr mir bitte den weg zum erlangen einer ham lizenz im ausland erklären. meine frau monika und ich wären euch sehr dankbar.wir starten im august mit einer contest 31 und wollen über mad-kanar-cap verde nach brasilien.kennt ihr zufälllig ernst und käthe von der koller?sie sind allerdings seit ca.4 jahren schon wieder an land.herzliche grüsse und dass eure wünsche in erfüllung gehen. bernard und moni sy jambo

Name: John Evans
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newcastle England
Time: 1999-02-22 04:05:52
Comments: Hope to join you guys out there one day. Good luck

Name: Annette Cassidy
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-02-22 03:10:53
Comments: Hi Erika- What a life! Looks like you met a wonderful match for you. Yea! Annette and Tom

Name: Don Henry
Website: VK2DW
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kempsey NSW Australia
Time: 1999-02-16 03:12:13
Comments: Gi,day Erika from Amerika, I thought I would check out your updated Home Page as you had suggested from one of your last messages to me a few days ago. You sure have done a great job on your page and also plenty of info. Hope you are all well on board and maybe next time you login to my BBS you can tell me more about the Maquessars and what is available there or what type of place it is and so on. 73s..Don..VK2DW

Name: Tom McMurray
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hilton Head S.C. USA
Time: 1999-02-14 02:38:15
Comments: Just getting started on Pactor E-Mail from my 25ft Albin, displacement hull power boat. Member of Waterway Radio Cruising Club. Ham Call Sign WP2V. Handle Duffy I cruise US East coast and the Bahama Islands. I single hand (most of the time). I enjoy the whole scene.

Name: Anthony Gerardi
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Rochester, NY usa
Time: 1999-02-14 01:33:52
Comments: Came here via Nomadic Research Labs. Was at Nomadic Research Labs as a class assignment at Rochester Institute of Technology.

Name: Bert Flora
Website: Cruiser News Online
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Minn, US
Time: 1999-02-10 11:33:08
Comments: Featured link can be found at: Cruiser News Online

Name: Sheila Depuma
Referred by: From a Friend
From: S.Florida
Time: 1999-02-07 16:43:08
Comments: I've enjoyed the sites and the wonderful way of your web writing, i'm a friend of Mr. Steve Alley, he's on his way to visit you two now. I would love to see him come home with a tattoo. I will continue to follow your voyage.

Name: Jere Lull
Website: probably Jere's Bookmarks
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: SE Pennsylvania, USA
Time: 1999-02-04 01:34:23
Comments: Just reviewed your "conversation" with the authorities and press....

Reminds me of a quote, probably from Robert A. Heinlein that goes something like: "When you argue with an ass, bystanders can't tell the difference."

I edited a little newsletter that often got into controversial subjects. [won a couple of national awards in the process.] Found it was best never to say "you" in a letter. In other words, never attack (or refer to) the person, but concentrate on the subject. To that end, when I felt strongly about a subject, I'd wait a couple of days before I formed a reply, then file THAT away and review it from the recipient's viewpoint a couple of days after that, searching for the weak points in my logic, and trimming off extraneous comments [they're what's going to be attacked]. I can do a long reply in an hour -- I type at over 120 wpm -- but it takes me a week to create a short, effective and persuasive comment.

As I read, my fingers ached to edit your replies but once sent, the words can't be retracted....

Good luck in your fight. Hopefully, you'll get someone in power to be on your side. Remember how well that worked in the Galapegos (sp?)?

Name: bob & trudy &son mike lindsay
Referred by: From a Friend
From: hilo, hawaii on the big island of hawaii
Time: 1999-01-21 20:33:41
Comments: nice home page - we own a steel boat as well and are in the process of rebuilding. The boat had a flush deck and we have had to add a cabin and complete interior - no small job. We also had a fire aboard, but not as traumatic as yours - our was set by the welder when we were on the hard trying to do some changes on the transom. Set us back a bit. Anyway, we are getting closer to leaving - probably for the s. pacific again this will be our third trip - but the first on a steel boat. Last trip we were gone from 1983 to 1990 - spent the whole time in the Pacific. Good luck to you and have fun cruising. Bob, Trudy and Michael LIndsay. Yacht" Tini Apa". P.S. What is the design of your boat and the size?

Name: Rudolf Hofmann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-16 20:47:16
Comments: gute idee, klasse infos und tolle site! ich wuensche euch da draussen weiter viel glueck und eine gute zeit! gruss von nord- und ostsee rudolf

Name: Bauer Guenter
Referred by: Net Search
From: Austria,Vienna
Time: 1999-01-14 21:31:53
Comments: Very interesting from a boot

Name: Mark Gradecak
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA, Maryland, Chesapeake Bay, Eastern Shore
Time: 1999-01-13 16:08:50
Comments: Ex-Lagunatic. Drop me a line if you plan to visit this part of the planet.

Name: Ed Phillips
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA/Oregon
Time: 1999-01-12 00:15:49
Comments: Will be leaving on world cruise in two years. My wife and I will be going the same direction as you are, except we will depart the west coast of America. We enjoy your site, and think it is good to learn some things about the places we will be going. Thanks Ed & Melissa Phillips

Name: Peter Hoebel SY PANDAREA
Referred by: From a Friend
From: z.Zt. Jose Pobre (TO) Panama
Time: 1999-01-08 01:12:36
Comments: Hallo Erika und Achim, auch wenn unsere Schiffe recht ähnlich klingende Namen haben und wir uns noch nicht begegnet sind - vorab herzliche Gruesse. Die PANDAREA liegt z.Zt. in Panama und ich vermute, wir werden uns im Laufe des Jahres irgendwo in er Südsse sehen. Helmut v.S. wird mir in den nächsten Tagen eine Hompage basteln und ich werde nach Rückkehr über Kurzwelle und/oder Paktor ii in der Luft sein. Mein Call: DL2MAS/MM auf den Schiffsfrequenzen alias "PeterPan". Soweit aus dem nassen und kalten Heidelberg 73+55 Peter

Name: ness reed
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: australia
Time: 1999-01-06 06:18:14
Comments: bloody hell it has taken me for ever to get on to this page! how the hell are you guys? how how's the kitten. please fill me in. love ness. bedouin xxxxxxx

Name: George MacLeod
Website: Bridge
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Mexico
Time: 1999-01-04 01:17:15
Comments: I like your format.

Name: Christina della Valle Peter Deicke
Website: Swissaussies
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Switzerland, Germany, now Australia
Time: 1999-01-02 01:13:32
Comments: Well done, Erika! Peter und ich wuenschen Euch weiterhin viel ERfolg und perfektes Segelwetter und natuerlich immer eine Handvoll Wasser unter dem Kiel. Peter und Christina

Name: Jennifer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Andros Island, Bahamas
Time: 1998-12-31 20:25:16
Comments: And the happiest of new years to you! I can't remember how I found you since I've been a stowaway Forever....I remember seeing Pangi on the Indian River in Jensen Beach (where Mom lives). And how silly of me not to have written sooner. I so enjoy your journals and look forward to writing some true life tales of my own in the not so far off future. But for now, I'm living and working in the Bahamas. It's not the worst place to be waiting! I'm hoping Pirate Dave & I will be off to islands south by mid-year. In the meantime, thanks for sharing, and congratulations on the newest addition! All the best, Jennifer

Name: Jennifer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Andros Island, Bahamas
Time: 1998-12-31 20:23:30
Comments: And the happiest of new years to you! I can't remember how I found you since I've been a stowaway Forever....I remember seeing Pangi on the Indian River in Jensen Beach (where Mom lives). And how silly of me not to have written sooner. I so enjoy your journals and look forward to writing some true life tales of my own in the not so far off future. But for now, I'm living and working in the Bahamas. It's not the worst place to be waiting! I'm hoping Pirate Dave & I will be off to islands south by mid-year. In the meantime, thanks for sharing, and congratulations on the newest addition! All the best, Jennifer

Name: Dedl
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
Time: 1998-12-31 15:02:12
Comments: Hey Sister-in-Law!! I´ve just been reading your diary-site of 18th december ´bout these damnfucking guy Mike. I must say, you are a very good describer of a conflict-based situtation. It really gave me a big pain in the ass!!! It´s true what people say - You write god things when you´re feeling bad... I whish you a happy new year but that dont´t meat that I whish you more bad stories... Dedl

Name: Jürgen Stremmler
Website: J. Stremmler´s Hompage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1998-12-31 07:19:09
Comments: I enjoyed your diary. Please continue to report from your trip around the world !

Name: Frank Wallenwein
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Mannheim,Germany
Time: 1998-12-30 23:44:39
Comments: Hallo Ihr zwei. Ich wünsche euch ein schönes und gutes neues Jahr. Danke , dass Ihr eure Erfahrungen für uns "zu Hause" online verfügbar macht. Gruss Frank

Name: Kate Bigel
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Redmond,WA
Time: 1998-12-30 00:40:13
Comments: Very funny article on guests! We are planning to set sail Sept 2000. My husband keeps inviting everyone and I am dreading the situation you described or worse!

Name: Capt Paul Furstenberg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dallas Tx now, Fla.keys, Virgin Islands SV Serenity
Time: 1998-12-29 19:42:23
Comments: Since I am now landlocked, I enjoy reading about those of us who are doing what we love the most. We all must earn some bucks every now and then so we can get back to the serious business of living. You can always get more money but you ain't getting any more time. ENJOY!!!!!

Name: David & Janice Hall
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Wherever the boat is. Florida this month.
Time: 1998-12-28 14:16:04
Comments: We are on s/v Adagio, a Whitby 42. We have lived aboard 4 years now cruising between Maine and the Bahamas. We are originally from Massachusetts and family responsibilities have brought us north each summer. But next year we hope to head out. We will follow your adventure as long as we can. Thank you. Good luck and fair winds.

Name: Carola Falk
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Germany, Düsseldorf
Time: 1998-12-26 09:40:29
Comments: Hallo ihr zwei, als begeisterte Seglerin werde ich nun eure Reise zumindest per Internet weiter verfolgen. Weiterhin Mast- und Schotbruch und die berühmte Hand Wasser unterm Kiel. Alles Liebe Carola

Name: Paul Meaney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Seattle
Time: 1998-12-23 17:03:55
Comments: Check out The past lives on within us, even though we try to disown it. It may be our genetic heritage to see differences, but those who think with more then thier brain stems can overcome this. I'm sure the healing process the German's are going through is made more difficult by these inherent associations.

Name: Frank Sarnighausen
Website: Topcolor
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Brazil (born in Germany)
Time: 1998-12-21 22:57:53
Comments: Weiter viel Glueck da draussen und, Jahreszeit-bedingt, frohe Weihnachten und ein zahmes neues Jahr ! Frank SY Zip (Wharram-cat)

Name: Martin Sittig
Referred by: From a Friend
From: germany/ dresden
Time: 1998-12-20 16:36:18
Comments: hallo ihr beiden, ich wollte euch nur ein frohes fest wuenschen und immer eine handbreit wasser unter dem kiel im neuen jahr. also - viele schoene stunden unter dem freien himmel wuenscht martin p.s. grüße auch von carl

Name: Jean Vayssier
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Argentina
Time: 1998-12-20 16:33:34
Comments: Hello, I just found your site. I am interested in reading your news updates and receiving more info on your boat. Do you take guests for passages? Hope to hear from you soon. Jean

Name: Jean Vayssier
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Argentina
Time: 1998-12-20 16:27:55
Comments: Hello, I just found your site. I am interested in reading your news updates and receiving more info on your boat. Do you take guests for passages? Hope to hear from you soon. Jean

Name: Ted and Lyn Chappell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Auckland New Zealand
Time: 1998-12-19 03:52:35
Comments: Gidday folks from the 'home of the Americas Cup.'(Excuse the boast). We own a traditional cruising yacht, 'Bear Baloo' built in Breskens in 1960. If you are heading down this way and we can assist with information or anything at all, just send us an email. Take care, and Merry Xmas Ted and Lyn

Name: jim mercado
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: new york state
Time: 1998-12-19 00:31:52
Comments: I have a garcia built aluminum Maracuja. I like the look of your boat. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us, they are very enjoyable. jim

Name: Ken Cruikshank
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Vancouver B.C. Canada
Time: 1998-12-17 20:40:37
Comments: Nice to hear from you out there. I like the stories, the adventures. Maybe one day I will be out there with you

Name: tish & thomas stockslager
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: texas
Time: 1998-12-17 09:29:03
Comments: you are living our dream. thank you for sharing, we will be out there someday. thanks again ts

Name: D Ganey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wilmington, NC
Time: 1998-12-14 17:47:12
Comments: I enjoyed reading your article about the Cape Fear region. Despite the heat and the hurricanes, it is a great place to live. You have a wonderful website and I check it frequently to get updates on your progress. If you every venture back this way, hopefully you will be treated with the same southern hospitality. Dempsey Ganey

Name: David Hogg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Western Australia
Time: 1998-12-14 04:32:12
Comments: Been following your journey for months and this is a great website. Interested to hear your views of French Polynesia, after you've visited the Tahiti area. You've got some great countries coming up in your path. All the best.

Name: Joe Miller
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: tucson az
Time: 1998-12-13 06:28:46
Comments: Thanks: enjoyed the visit.

Name: David Schoonmaker
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: North Carolina, USA
Time: 1998-12-09 13:16:18
Comments: Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I only stumbled onto your Web site yesterday but have already traveled from the Galapagos to the Marquesas--a lot of miles in only 24 hours, every one of them either delightful, moving (so to speak) or both.

Name: Sherman Stanley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Twin Falls, Idaho
Time: 1998-12-09 06:32:06
Comments: I have been reading about your travels and have enjoyed it a lot. I have been telling my wife about what is going on with the two of you and she sggested that I drop you a line. We are both sailors and are going to retire in 15 months and do some sailing. I am also a ham radio operator. I look forward to your next message-- and I will be following your trip for as long as it continues. best of luck-- Sherman

Name: Jack
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Springfield, Illinois
Time: 1998-12-07 22:07:22
Comments: Glad to see your page....keep it up and good sailing!

Name: Dick and Eileen Bishop
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Plymouth Michigan, USA
Time: 1998-12-07 09:12:27
Comments: Steve's, K4cjx,Home page led me to your page. We live aboard Triumph and have cruised the Atlantic coast and the Bahamas for two years. We leave Fl. for the Caribbean in Jan. '99 and will follow your adventures. We get our winlink e-mail through K4CJX . Fairwinds,Dick, W4NWD

Name: Dick and Eileen Bishop
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Truimph, Nauticat 43, Atlantic to Veneseula
Time: 1998-12-07 09:05:16
Comments: Steve's, K4cjx,Home page led me to your page. We leave Fl. for the Caribbean in Jan. We will follow your adventures. Dick, W4NWD

Name: Fred Moore
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Ft. Lauderdale
Time: 1998-12-06 05:44:39
Comments: Refitting a Pearson 385 and living aboard. Hope to be heading out in a month, Bahamas bound and then southwest, no particular destination in mind. Just out. Am interested in your Canal passage and any problems you may have encountered. Best of luck.

Name: Phil and Alice Saunders
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-12-05 02:40:56
Comments: Erika, met you a few days ago in Marquesas aboard Aranui. Pangaea looked good. Also met you and Achim in little market a few days later. Just left our Bald Head Island house on Cape Fear. You said you made US landfall here. We winterized the place , cleaned it up good and came home.Best Regards and a very merry Xmas.

Name: Berthold Leuchert
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Berlin
Time: 1998-12-03 18:38:42
Comments: Hallo - und guten Tag! Seit Monaten besuche ich jetzt bereits Ihre Website und bin begeistert von Ihrer Reise - und der Möglichkeit der Teilhabe. Mich fasziniert die Verbindung zwischen der Pangaea und den neuen Medien, dem archaischen Traum vom Segeln in der Südsee und der weltweiten Kommunikation - und Arbeit - via High-Tech. Ich selbst bin Fernsehjournalist und arbeite für den deutsch-französischen Kulturkanal ARTE. Um es kurz zu machen: Gibt es die Möglichkeit Sie zu treffen und eine Reportage über Ihre Aktivitäten zu drehen? Wann und wo auch immer; je früher desto besser! Wenn Sie Interesse an diese Projekt hätten, wäre ich Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie mich benachrichtigen würden. Und wenn nicht - ebenfalls! Viele Grüße - und weiterhin gute Reise, Berthold Leuchert.

Name: Ralf Godau
Referred by: Lycos
From: Melbourne,Australia(orig.germany)
Time: 1998-12-02 08:11:43
Comments: hi guys, read your adventures every month and will myself be joining the cruising folks. ships name OASIS II 34' sloop keep up the good work will follow your progress on board. Ralf & Anita

Name: Robert Shaw Greenspon
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ukiah, Mendocino County, California
Time: 1998-12-01 06:01:07
Comments: Greetings, world travelers and Universal pilgrims. I'm thankful to be led to your illustrious web pages and will stay-tuned to your ongoing blessed adventures.

Name: Denis Beaudry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Calgary, Alberta
Time: 1998-12-01 05:23:17
Comments: More than interesting site, refreshing..will be back often I was pointed here when I posted for info on my upcoming voyage as crew with friends from Acapulco to The Marquesas in April. Will be my first ofshore. We have a Tayana 37 on Vancouver Island and will head south in Aug 2000 Denis S/V Tayana Dare I ask for advice.....

Name: Roger & Gilly Jones
Referred by: SimpleNet
From: Lewes England
Time: 1998-11-29 21:04:03
Comments: Hi Great site we are following you maybe catch you on the cruising circuit. Yacht ToTuGo Poros Greece.

Name: Alois Schollerer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-11-29 19:52:40
Comments: Guten Tag, wir haben Ihre Anzeige im I-net gelesen und bieten Ihnen: Ihre Anzeige bei uns im Internet! besuchen Sie uns: schauen Sie rein es lohnt sich. Ersatzteile für fast alle Motoren- hersteller. Index Karten zur Erkennung des Baujahres. Nutzen Sie doch auch unsere Datenbank für Ihre Anzeige. Tragen Sie sich ein. Natürlich kostenlos Mit freundlichen Grüßen Alois Schollerer P.S Unser Weihnachtsangebot.GPS Geräte von EAGLE/LOWRANCE Z.B. Explorer Hand GPS 12 Kanal Technik Nur: 499 DM

Name: Hilton Willott
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1998-11-27 16:39:31
Comments: Hi I've got a freedom 39ph which I intend to set off in in the not too distant future having just brought her back from the carribean where I bought her. May be catch you on one of the ssb nets sometime

Name: Frank Micera
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Basel
Time: 1998-11-27 14:43:05
Comments: Seems to me that you don´t answer emails !

Name: terry pate
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lakeport California USA
Time: 1998-11-27 06:26:48
Comments: very interesting!!!!!

Name: AL Lambert
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Louisiana,south
Time: 1998-11-27 06:08:17
Comments: I,ve been visiting your site for about three or four weeks and really enjoy it. I decided to sign in and let you know cause I'm feeling like a peep freak looking in on your life without you being aware of it. Now you know that I'm here. It's great that you are willing to share all your adventures with people like this. Sailing is an interest that I haven't yet been able to pursue. Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to experience some of these exciting adventures for myself. In the meantime I'll live them through this great site you keep. Thanks for the ride!

Referred by: From a Friend
From: tahiti
Time: 1998-11-23 22:20:49
Comments: Good luck on your journey around the world.Iaorana.Roland

Name: Jere Lull
Website: Probably
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Near Philadelphia -- but spend as much time as we can on the Chesapeake
Time: 1998-11-23 07:27:15
Comments: I'd noted a phrase in your Polynesia updates that troubled me, and just now read your work in progress on your "weight problem". You're NOT "chubby"! And you look better in '98 than you did in '80. (Would LOVE to see what those stars are hiding ;-) Meanwhile, have been enjoying your logs and particularly enjoy that most are in .zip format so I can spend less time on the net. I've kept them so my wife can read them when she's ready -- probably after we've wandered through the Bahamas for a couple of months. She's OK with our annual 3-week cruises, but isn't quite ready for thinking about the longer cruises...

Name: CLaudie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: home
Time: 1998-11-21 17:57:11

Name: Keith MacDonald
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ottawa, Canada
Time: 1998-11-21 16:34:59
Comments: Erika, Its Saturday morning, 21st November and I've spent the last hour or so reading your updates, feeding my dreams. I and my partner Lil are new sailors. Five years ago I was on a charter with my then room-mate and her family. It ignited the nascent dream and after quitting my job to return to school and after having finished that schooling, having found some work and some income again I talked Lil into taking some lessons on our little patch of water (the Ottawa River)here. Her initial accommodation of my fervent desires has been replaced by enthusiasm. A boat, some kind of pocket cruiser appropriate to our location and income, is in the (near?) future. And in the farther future, a blue water cruiser, I hope and I pray, to take us out of sight of land, encircled by a liquid horizon. Anyway, this is just to say how much I am enjoying your ongoing narrative. How, as another long, and, it is foretold, bitterly cold, Canadian winter sets in, it keeps the dream alive and warm. A request? You're a web designer. And Achim (sp?) is a programmer, right? Me too, although just starting out (its the product of a mid-thirties) career change). The dream would have nice grounding in fiscal reality if I could flog my skills while cruising. Is it hard for you/him to dig up work? How central is it to your ability to keep on cruising? What kind of work do you and he do? This reader would certainly appreciate hearing about these practicalities in an update someday. So long, Keith

Name: Mike Quinlan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia
Time: 1998-11-20 01:56:28
Comments: I enjoy your updates quite a lot.I'll be out there with you soon but untill then, how about a copy of your recipe for banana chutney? Mikie Q. S/V Fandance

Name: Paul Meaney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Seattle
Time: 1998-11-19 20:26:05
Comments: Hello Pangaea, Have been catching up with you via your old logs, and printing some out to share with my wife, Judy. Being cat people we were sorry to read about Lulu. We have wondered about bringing our kitties on board when we begin long term cruising since the loss would be so difficult if one should go overboard. But then we are not voyagers and can come home after a weekend cruise to our pets. On long passages I'm sure we would miss not having them. If you have doubts about the risk to Manuia of bring her aboard, certainly you saved her from a very unpleasent fate on Tahuata. What else could you do? Talk to you later,

Name: Dominique Bovey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-11-18 08:44:34
Comments: Hi both of you, I like very much the tone of your updates - especially the one of the 11-nov about the drunkard whose bark is worse than his bite - remind me of similar a experience in St-Lucia (Deux-Pitons) when sailing there for a few weeks with my girl-friend. A part of the fact that there - sadly - it was more about crack than about alcohol I'm afraid. Good to tell the bad as well as the good in such a voyage. I am preparing to build myself a boat as I cannot find what I want for the budget I want. Regarding variable draft (lift/swing-keel) how would you value it? Where you some time hampered by your draft to access some places you would have liked to access but could not because there was only one meter of water or so? I personally would love a boat with low draft, both for fun (going where others do not go) and for safety (accessing the bottom of the hurricane hole for example). What do you think? Also, you have a steel boat: what about the maintenance of steel? I would be afraid of that being a hevy task? How is it actually? OK, enough for the while, cheers and - keep updating!!! - hope your ear is alrright now. Bye Dominique

Name: Eric Strasilla
Website: The Strasillas
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Jose, California
Time: 1998-11-18 01:38:38
Comments: You guys are great. Every day, lately, I try to stop in on your site to look through the previous entries. I'm just another guy with big dreams of doing what you are doing, but for now I have to stay content to plug away at my engineering job to earn enough money to break away sometime and pursue this dream. And I get to learn from your experiences, while sitting in the comfort of my office. Since I have a young family, my sailing experiences are limited to taking out my Hobie Cat once or twice a year. I like to sail in the SF Bay, Monterey Bay, and lakes. I hope you continue to have a safe voyage. It is not the equipment, weather, animals etc. I'm worried about, it's the people. But you've come this far and are still around, so I hope I'm worried for nothing. I'm really sorry about your cat. That was a heartbreaking segment. I had a dog that was truly man's best friend. She went everywhere I went, and actually showed me the way home many times when I was lost. And from time to time I blame myself for her death at the early age of 8, but at least she died while with her family.

Name: Peter Robinson
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Pensacola, Florida
Time: 1998-11-17 18:32:53
Comments: More pictures please. I want to see what I'm missing

Name: Dorothy
Referred by: NewsGroups
Time: 1998-11-16 18:42:21
Comments: Hello Erika, this is the second time I've logged on to your pages. I'm really enjoying reading about your adventures..the downside of cruising as well as the good. Certainly writing from a frosty England I can only envy you basking in the warm and beautiful environment. Looking forward to more of your diary. Bye

Name: Björn Wedel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1998-11-15 16:51:03
Comments: Excellent idea to give a live documentation from the boat

Name: Erich Bals
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Düsseldorf / Germany
Time: 1998-11-14 21:34:11
Comments: Gratulation zu dieser Super Seite. Mast und Schotbruch und immer eine Handbreit Wasser unter´m Kiel.

Name: John
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: The Tiamat (33' sloop)
Time: 1998-11-14 07:52:05
Comments: Came across your HP from a Ham site, which I'm checking into since the Tiamat is being prepared to take me from Long Beach, CA to southern points unknown. Yep, just gonna let loose the lines and go. But not TOO far - I still wanna get email, which brings us back to the Ham info. Currently still on dry land (unfortunately,) preparing, which may include getting a Technician's license and some sort of inexpensive Marine Ham/SSB radio setup, (if there is such a thing.) Had been considering taking a 50 lb. Belgian Malinois with me. Your tale about Lulu has just convinced me that I simply couldn't stand to lose her that way. Of course, this means losing her another way, giving her up, but I suppose that life's better for her than a brief one at sea. Thanks for sharing your sorrow - it helped me make my decision. Just wish it didn't make leaving so hard!!! Fair winds! John

Name: Paul Meaney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Seattle, Wa
Time: 1998-11-13 19:19:14
Comments: None for now, I just found you. Will catch up on your logs. Thanks for your msg preview. I don't want my company email address to be published.

Name: Ove Årthun
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Norway, Stavanger City
Time: 1998-11-13 13:15:40
Comments: Interesting to read about your voyages, keep up the good work.

Name: Faye Sailors
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Fremont, CA by way of many places!
Time: 1998-11-09 04:47:07
Comments: Hi Erika! I'm your sister Claudia's friend from grad school. I was too busy with my nose in the books to check it out when she first told me about your website. Now that I'm a Mom and only go to school part time, I take advantage of my little darlin's nap time to surf the web. Looking forward to keeping up with your travels, since my traveling days are over, or at least on hold. Hope you get to visit Zanzibar some day. :-)Faye

Name: Steven C. Meverden
Referred by: Net Search
From: Goddard, Kansas, USA
Time: 1998-11-07 01:02:40
Comments: I've enjoyed your commentary on life at sea and in port. Considering cruising with a special friend, what do you suggest as far as boat size, construction material, accomodations, etc. I am an Air Traffic Control Specialist dreaming of another world. I wish you well. Steve

Name: Jeffrey Behr
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Tokyo, Japan
Time: 1998-11-06 09:13:19
Comments: Michael told me he'd be joining you soon. I'll get a tape for you to him before he leaves. Please sail to Tokyo and bring Michael with you! Kindred spirits, Jeffrey and Noriko Behr.

Name: Armen Gasparian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Laguna Beach, Ca.
Time: 1998-11-05 04:56:31
Comments: Best of luck to you. Hope you are having a great time.

Name: Frank Lewandowski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Meriden, CT USA
Time: 1998-11-01 19:31:22
Comments: You are living my dream. I wish you good luck, smooth sailing and God's speed. Sincerely, Frank

Name: Ray Gibson
Website: WB7OKX Home Page
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Keno,Oregon, near Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Time: 1998-10-31 18:44:08
Comments: Hello Erika & Achim Just ordered a new PCT-II and should be here by the middle of November I hope. That is how I came upon your webpage, I was checking Deja News for Pactor II and viola there you were. I am impressed with what you guys are doing, I don't think I would have the guts to do it though but now I can follow along and pretend that I am along with you. I am enjoying your website and have read a few of your letters and enjoying everyone. I have not checked all of your website and you may have a picture of your ham gear there, but if not would you one on the website and let me know or let me know where to find a picture on your site. I would be interested in your ham radio setup there and how you have things put together as far as, hf radio, automatic antenna tuner, antenna, etc. Please check out my home page if you can, not sure how you would do that, but if you can check it out. My wife Donna and I (Ray), work at Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, Oregon. I am the plumber there and my wife works for the Geo Heat Center, we have geothermal water that completely heats the College. My age it 56, and may retire early next year if things work out, Donna age 48, will keep working for 7 more years to help pay a few things off and for insurance purposes. We just moved into a brand new tripple wide manufactured home, and you can see pictures of it and our view of the Klamath River below on our Web Site. Anyway guys, I will bookmark your webpage and keep track of you and when I get the PCT-II will try and connect direct and leave a message in your mail box. 73's and have a great time! Ray & Donna Gibson

Name: vanassche patrick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: belgium
Time: 1998-10-30 21:11:18
Comments: nice to find your site, wish you 'bon voyage'! W'll follow the trip. Patrick&Mia

Name: Hans Klassen
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Vancouver, B.C.
Time: 1998-10-30 09:39:22
Comments: I like your web page! Times, they are a changin'. My wife and I cruised the Marquesas in 1989. Back in the "olden days" we had satnav and VHF. We spent almost 3 months in the Marquesas and Tuamotos, and another 4 months in the leeward Islands. Be sure to get to Mopelia (that's about 150 miles west of Bora Bora) I love what you are doing with technology. You are the "ultimate" telecommuter. We spent 7 years cruising, including a few years working at Turtle Island in the Yasawa group of Fiji. We're now living in a house in Vancouver with 2 kids, and the cruising seems so far away. I'll come back to your site every so often for a great cruising fix. I am going to Germany on business next week, but will have my laptop with me. If you have any questions about the areas you are coming to, please don't hesitate to email. Maybe we could look through our logbook and ask you to say hi to some of the beautiful people we met.

Name: Harbin Osteen
Website: Muscle Car Mania LTD
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Palmdale California, USA
Time: 1998-10-28 08:30:37
Comments: Though I would check out your pages. Looks like you are having too much fun. SeeYaa:) Harbin

Name: Mike & Laura Brasler
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Originally South Africa
Time: 1998-10-27 20:05:10
Comments: See you out there...Cruising on a VDStadt 50 Ketch named "Gilana"

Name: Bob Harris
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Los Angeles, Ca. USA
Time: 1998-10-27 14:55:15
Comments: Continued best of fortune on your voyage. I've cruised Alaska, Mexico, and with a friend, a bit in the Caribbean.

Name: james mcgarvey
Website: Cheoy Lees
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: New York (upstate)
Time: 1998-10-27 02:13:52
Comments: enjoyed your site, if you run in to any Cheoy Lee Owners, tell them about our site James & Cilla

Name: Pat Patterson
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Hilton Head, SC USA
Time: 1998-10-27 01:15:55
Comments: Just popped in to say hi and to see your web page... Keep up the good work.

Name: Dennis
Website: Nautical Naturist
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: United States
Time: 1998-10-26 07:58:48
Comments: very interesting on connecting to the net from your chart table with your site. very well done and we will be droping back in to see how all of you doing. drop us a line if you ever get over to Florida. we would like to meet you folks and hear more stories.

Name: John Sunderson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Anaheim, CA - USA
Time: 1998-10-25 03:03:32
Comments: Found your page from My wife and I are about to buy our 1st boat and we are checking out most anything that sounds interesting related to sailing.

Name: Brian and Kimberly Blais
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Londonderry NH
Time: 1998-10-25 01:37:00
Comments: We too are sailors and only wish we had what it took to launch out on such an adventure ! Best wishes Brian and Kimberly

Name: Jim Woodward
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Boston, MA USA
Time: 1998-10-23 22:16:54
Comments: s/v Sweetwater around the world '95-'98

Name: Jared DeWitt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-10-23 10:51:59
Comments: Just found your site. D/L'd all the zips...couldn't stop till I read it all! Anxiously awaiting your next update. Thanks.

Name: Tim Baur
Referred by: From a Friend
From: DeSoto,Texas Sub of Dallas
Time: 1998-10-23 09:52:48
Comments: Hi and thank you for the enrichment that your life has brought to me this morning. I work nights in Telecommunications and once in awhile I get free time to surf the net. A friend told me about your site and off I went. Your living my dream as I've sailed around England and parts of the Pacific coast, but to cross the oceans is and will be my goal someday. Therefore I gain valueable info from great classic crusiers like youselfs. Thank You and have a great LIFE. Tim

Name: Capt. Roger L. Spencer
Referred by: From a Friend
From: North Carolina
Time: 1998-10-23 09:43:36
Comments: GREAT website......I just found it and I'll bookmark to follow the adventure. You are doing what many of us can only dream about. Fair winds to you and good luck......

Name: Larry Chambers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dallas, Texas
Time: 1998-10-23 08:22:54
Comments: While stationed at Yorktown, Va. I spent many days and nights cruising on the Chesapeake. My dream is to sail around the world and you are an inspiration to me. Thanks. Maybe one day we'll meet in a beautiful anchorage. I would love to receive a postcard from you. Larry Chambers P.O. Box 651 Cedar Hill, Texas 75104

Name: Susan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: north carolina
Time: 1998-10-22 17:38:05
Comments: Hello, I just found your page. Sorry about the loss of your kitty. Please adopt another when you get to land. Lots of 'em out there that need a chance to be so loved as Lulu was. And don't balme yourself. Cats are in charge ot themselves, regardless of what we think! Your site looks really interesting. My husband and I are have just started a 5 year plan to follow in your wind shadow. Hearing about the experiences of some one who is out there really inspires me to keep at it! Thanks, Susan

Name: Chris Scrogum
Referred by: From a Friend
From: From? You mean right now?
Time: 1998-10-19 21:53:06
Comments: I am just a schmidgen short of dumbfounded, certainly excited and impressed! Is the tour of Gibraltar a text you actually worked with/from when giving tours? Is it all a joke? Does it matter? Chris "from" Berkeley

Name: Alex and Gillian
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-10-17 21:50:12
Comments: Hi Erika and Achim. How's EVERTHING? Send us a note via E-mail. Love, Alex and Gilly

Name: Hans Paabor
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Toronto, Canada
Time: 1998-10-17 15:13:22
Comments: Actually got pointed from an article by Erika on the Wetpages ( Very nice article on the joy of sailing and cooking. Quite a different slant from Lin and Larry. As one of many thousands who live vicarously through your writing if feel you should reduce the motion of the boat. I'm finding it a little too rough. Your writing is excellent. I will be looking for more. Thanks, Hans Paabor Rocinante 1

Name: Joachim Voltz
Website: Im Aufbau
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Deutschland
Time: 1998-10-16 15:11:56
Comments: Glückliche Reise Gruß Joe

Name: tom coggin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: cullman, alabama
Time: 1998-10-16 01:52:00
Comments: I submitted my thoughts and saw that you have had over 27 million people sign in! Boy am I dumb. Are you meeting THE Greenspun?

Name: tom coggin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: cullman, alabama
Time: 1998-10-16 01:50:46
Comments: I found your site from the links offered by Garmin. They manufacture GPS's for aircraft. I fly a 1957 Bonanza V-tail and had my GPS stolen last week at the Winston 500 NASCAR race at Talladega, AL. - so I was looking for another and found your beautiful thoughts instead. Some navigating! Don't worry about selling your talent. It will be sought out.

Name: Ferdinand Rubel
Referred by: Net Search
From: Austria
Time: 1998-10-15 10:44:58
Comments: Bin auf der such nach Email via Amateurfunk zu euch gekommen. Euer Bericht ist recht informativ. Bin selber Amateurfunker OE3DBW und arbeite mit einem IC 706 und selbstgebauten Antennen. Bin aber nur im Urlaub QRV um mit der Heimat verbunden zu sein. Habe mit den Pactor I von SCS gute erfahrung sammeln können. Auser, daß er viel HF- Mitst erzeugt. Werde mir aber den SCS II zulegen wenn es meine Geldbörse zuläßt. Werde mir eure Reiseberichte noch ansehen. Viel erfolg bei eurer Weiterreise über unseren schönen Planeten de Ferdinand OE3DBW

Name: scott perkins
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: UP of Michigan
Time: 1998-10-13 11:05:43
Comments: I enjoy your site in the mornings before work, I hope to do the same in two years, from Lake Superior to ??? Keep up the good work and fair winds to you both. Scott S/V Chip Ahoy

Name: John Church
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: I've said this before...
Time: 1998-10-11 22:39:58
Comments: I just read back through your Clinton comment and thought you might like this joke to fill a gap on the ocean. Monica misunderstood the President, what he actually said was, "Sack my cook and hold my calls!"

Name: John Church
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1998-10-11 22:29:53
Comments: I have a 50 foot ketch converted from a 1944 fishing boat built for the navy, she and I are the same age! I have always wanted to do extended cruising but "the boss" is not so keen on the ocean so maybe it will never happen. It's interesting to "live the dream" second hand. I'm sorry about the loss of your cat. There is nothing to say except that you loved her and cared for her, there are too many animals in the world that never know this. Good Luck and remember it all, even the bad bits. Regards John

Name: Dave Reeve
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: West Palm Bch, Fl USA
Time: 1998-10-11 17:45:30
Comments: Kim and myself are interested in cruising when we retire. A trawler would best suit our needs. I enjoyed reading about your adventures. We have friends who work at the Pt.Lucaya Marina in Freeport and have been there 7 times in the last 1 1/2 yrs. Let us know when you plan to be on this side of the world. Dave & Kim Reeve

Name: Nancy Alley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boca Raton
Time: 1998-10-11 02:34:07
Comments: We have been enjoying your fantastic voyage with the almost daily updates that Steve sends us. I print for later reading. The folder is getting pretty thick. Now we send heartfelt sympathy for your great loss. Your poignant writing of your feelings has surely touched all of us who have loved and lost a pet. I admire your courage as you go on about the job at hand while hearts break.I know you will keep up your spirits and know that your friends "care" Love, Nancy

Name: Steve Bridges
Referred by: Net Search
From: Bastrop, Texas
Time: 1998-10-09 07:26:33
Comments: Good day! I have been following you for about a month now. I envy the adventure that you have been on for five years now. I am a landlocked sailor living in the middle of Texas. I have sailed most of my life, though never on the blue seas. I have, however, recently graduated from a Hobie 16 to a Chrysler 22! I have a 7 year plan to live the dream. At least I can, for now, live it through your updates. Thanks! I will send you some good Texas tunes so I can be there in spirit. I know some other sailors will read this and if you do and are on voyage, please e-mail me so I can follow your voyage as well. Long live the Pangaea....Happy camping!

Name: oe 5 gm
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Austria, Oberösterreich
Time: 1998-10-08 12:31:48
Comments: Herzliche Grüße aus Oberösterreich und immer genug Wasser und dem Kiel. Servus, beinander, Mast- und Schot. Günter, 0e 5 gm aus Wels.

Name: Peter Gessner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Deutschland
Time: 1998-10-06 18:00:09
Comments: Noch zwei wochen im kalten und verregneten Deutschland dann Abflug nach Antigua zu SY August in English Harbor. Gute Fahrt Peter Gessner

Name: K and A Burns
Referred by: Geocities
From: Pacific Northwest
Time: 1998-10-06 15:58:15
Comments: We are on Nordic Maiden, a PH Force 50 ketch. Interested in your travels and how to use our SSB/computer to communicate. Fair winds. Ken and Angi

Name: Christopher Paton-Gay
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Calgary/Victoria, CANADA
Time: 1998-10-06 15:27:22
Comments: Thanks for your Web Page. I am the Skipper/Owner of 'SV Tina Christine'. She is a 71 foot Staysail Schooner, custom designed by Bruce Roberts and custom built in Vancouver, Canada. We are currently involved with her final refit and expect to leave for Hawaii in late June/99 then on to the South Pacific/New Zealand for the Millenium Celebrations. Hope to meet you some day ! Safe and Happy Sailing. Christopher Paton-Gay.

Name: Mary Bargteil
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Level 3 of the Inferno
Time: 1998-10-06 14:36:21
Comments: Erika and Achim - What a wonderful fall through the Looking Glass you allow all of us "Alices" as we explore your wonderland. Thank you. I expect even greater things from both of you in the future. Deep Affection, Mary

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mahon Menorca , Spain
Time: 1998-10-06 11:37:02
Comments: keep on truckin ... we just crossed atlantic from Bermuda

Name: Linc & Judy Barton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Worcester, MA
Time: 1998-10-05 20:17:54
Comments: responding to your email. we are going to be full-time liveaboards on Sept 2000

Name: Johnson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Fresno Ca. USA
Time: 1998-10-05 01:47:17
Comments: Hi, I picked you up in Galapagos Islands, and am enjoying your adventures. It does get boring at sea, but what is at the next landfall?

Name: Chuck Oliver
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Vancouver, BC Canada
Time: 1998-10-04 17:22:00
Comments: Will be following your page regularly. I have sailed through the Society Islands and found them to be the most beautiful in the world. I hope to go back in the spring and crew on a boat from Tahiti to Hawaii. Any thoughts or comments about that trip?

Name: Richard A Cassano
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Oyster Bay, New York
Time: 1998-10-04 04:21:30
Comments: I would like to follow your web site and the progress of the voyage. We plan on taking off within the next two years aboard Gray Eagle a Tashiba 40 moored in Oyster Bay,NY Good Luck and Fair Winds, Richard, Emilie(4 1/2years)& Tricia.

Name: Don Henry
Website: VK2DW
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kempsey NSW Australia
Time: 1998-10-03 21:27:03
Comments: Gi,day Erika and Achim. I love you Home Page and the nice Pics you have set up. Hope your Sea Adventures are enjoyable and look forward to you sending plenty of message through my Winlink BBS. 73s..Don..VK2DW

Name: neil morley
Website: The Lost Pub Guide
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1998-10-01 20:16:28
Comments: Just got your postcard half an hour ago! Lots of love to you both E-mail on it's way

Name: Steve & Lisa
Website: The Microship Project
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Camano Island, WA
Time: 1998-09-29 07:49:23
Comments: Hey you two! Lisa has been keeping me updated... hi from the Microship Lab where Delta and Wye are getting closer to the water by the day. First test sail was a success... see you out there! --- 73/88 de N4RVE & KF6NWO

Name: Dominique Bovey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Switzerland
Time: 1998-09-25 13:29:14
Comments: Hi both of you, Just came from the HF email HAM pages, we talked about it on a french e-mail list. What you do looks GREAT!!! I will be starting to build a 12-14m monohull of wood-epoxy (absolutely maintenance-free and easy to repair) as an amateur next year. But I admit that I hesitate: for the same budget I could find a 14m 15yr-old steel boat like yours... How do you handle your boat? I must be a heavy displacement so with big sails, isn't it too difficult to manoeuver? My boat must be manoeuverable by my 'wife' Sylvie (I hate that word, we are not married), 1.60m and lightweight, so I do not see her handling 150m2 of sail area needed to power 15-20 tons of boat.... This is why I consider building my own boat, a lighter, faster, lift-keel type with deck saloon (the latter good with children). And what about the maintenance of your steel boat? What are your experiences? Both of you are doing quite the same I was dreaming of and wondered if it was feasible. I am an electronics engineer , andI tried to figured I could make a living out of it on board. For starting we plan "only" a 1-2 year journey (caribbean and back), because Sylvie is afraid she cannot find her teaching job back if we stay away longer, and wonders what it will be with our little daughter on board (now 8 months old, but 6yrs when lauching the boat). Well, 'projects, projects...', but these dreams are getting serious and real. A professional word to Achim: how do you do with the HW on board: do you develop HW projects on board, or do you use an existing platform to develop code on it? For me as a HW guy there is the problem of sourcing electronic parts on board, they are difficult to get through e-mail (By the way, did you try this new internet laundry service: you fax them your trousers, and they send them back clean the same way. Well they still have a bug, because my office fax machine is now seriously jammed with denim - maybe it works better through e-mail ;-) I suppose it is easier to work with immaterial "goods", but did you see people during your journey that could have needed work from an electronics engineer? (Well I can ascertain from erika's writings you met less people of that kind than people who urgently needed a Doctor :-( I traveled enough with Sylvie in so-called 3rd world countries to have noted that myself...) Anyway I plan to have an electronics repair shop on board, I sailed some times in the caribbean and failed electronics is as common as it is frustrating among navigators. Lastly, did you have any problems with work regulations? In any immigration rules it is a standard to make illegal any work done as a tourist, with some times (in the former british caribbean isles especially) some frightening consequences as far as I remember - at least on the paper. Well I will stop now wasting your precious airtime and batteries with my prose, Hope that you had a good galapagos-marquesas crossing with not too little or too much wind. Cheers!!! And keep on going! Dominique private address

Name: Doug Boyer
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Yoncalla, Oregon USA
Time: 1998-09-25 07:18:14
Comments: Really enjoyed your site. I am a fellow ham radio operator (KG7QN) and sailor. I hope your cruising experiences are good and you continue to have a great time. Doug Boyer

Name: Pierre Aubineau
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: France
Time: 1998-09-24 18:43:21
Comments: Nice Web page. Sailing east Mediterranean for the moment, waiting to join you in Pacific waters within some years. Bonne chance a vous deux.

Name: Carleton Scully
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Winchester, KY
Time: 1998-09-20 03:52:59
Comments: Hi skipper! Just stumbled upon your site. I'm former skipper of TASAVUH, a 37' Dickerson Ketch which I sailed down the East Coast of the US and over the Islands. Spent 3 years cruising, then back to the hard and a job and marriage. Will visit from time to time. Fair winds, friends. Carleton

Name: ken mcmillan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ManaCC (NZ) Yacht Soundsgood
Time: 1998-09-19 09:03:16
Comments: So I HAVE to comment! Here I am working in Bankok and all I want to do is go home and sail Cook Strait again!! How can I possibly comment on your great pages.

Name: Chris & Anni Law S/V GROAIS 2
Referred by: Net Search
From: St Anns Cape BRETON,N.S.
Time: 1998-09-19 02:22:25
Comments: Sailing Vessel GROAIS 2. One circumnavigation & three Transatlantic xings You MUST visit Pitcain Island! A real Hi on the circuit!!

Name: Steve Leeds/Yacht MACCABEE
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Ft. Laud,FL/boat in Auckland, New Zealand
Time: 1998-09-17 17:48:11
Comments: We have sailed our boat from Ft. Lauderdale to Auckland, New Zealand over the past six years. We left the boat in Auckland and are taking a sabatical in the U.S. for a year. We are new to the internet and are accessing through the public library. We will be back in New Zealand next July for our third season there -- maybe we will meet you!

Name: Norbert Ibold
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Deutschland/Heilbronn
Time: 1998-09-17 14:28:01
Comments: I like your diary.

Name: Jere Patterson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California
Time: 1998-09-16 16:10:45
Comments: Exploring via SSCA site and HF email site. Jere

Name: Peter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: you know
Time: 1998-09-12 08:58:09
Comments: Hy erika und Achim Ich bin gerade mal wieder beim Ausdrucken Euer Webseite für mama und papa und muss euch noch mal sagen wie toll ich sie finde. Es sind wirklich klasse tricks eingebaut. Fuer mein Programm welches ich so langsam beende wollte ich auch die hilfe in html schreiben, aber wenn ich eure webseite so sehe bin ich wirklich neidisch. vielleicht sollte ich bei euch erst noch ein nachhilfekurs nehmen bevor ich damit beginne. Also weiterhin viel Spaß Alles liebe Peter

Name: Mike Quinlan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia USA
Time: 1998-09-11 06:18:31
Comments: See Ya out there sometime, Mike and Diana Quinlan, S/V Fandance

Name: Holger Lucas
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Deutsch
Time: 1998-09-10 22:11:19
Comments: viel spaß auf eurer reise,vielleicht sehen wir uns in neuseeland. gruß holger

Name: Chuck Oliver
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Vancouver, Canada
Time: 1998-09-09 05:52:19
Comments: Fun webpage! I really like the photos of your boobies! I was crewing on a friend's boat for a month in the Society Islands lin May. Had a fantastic time. Now working on getting an offshore boat so I can go back and beyond! Have a safe passge Chuck

Name: Klemens Wanke
Referred by: From a Friend
From: German
Time: 1998-09-04 11:52:58
Comments: Hallo Achim, hallo Erika, unbekannterweise einen schönen Gruß aus dem verregneten Norddeutschland. Mein Bruder Jockel (aus Lüneburg) erzählte mir gerade von Eurer Homepage: da habe ich doch gleich mal nachgeschaut. Leider auf den ersten Blick etwas verwirrend. Aber ich werde mich später noch mal durcharbeiten. Besonders spaßig ist es, die englischen Texte von Erika - die ich leider fast gar nicht verstehe - vom altavisa-translater übersetzen zu lassen! Falls Ihr es selbst ausprobieren könnt, kann ich es nur empfehlen: Lachen ohne Ende!

Name: Nastasja, Nina and Frank
Website: Sailing around the world with Amberella
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Switzerland / Germany
Time: 1998-09-03 20:38:04
Comments: Hi, Wish you best luck, fair wind and lots off awesome sailing. We hope to get to Galapagos ourselfs sometime soon. We start our own trip this fall from Turkey, spent the winter fitting Amberella our yacht and off we go, heading West... Maybe you want to look at our site someday Again: Alles gute und Immer ne Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel Nastasja, Nina und Frank

Name: Frederik
Referred by: Net Search
From: Malaysia/Holland
Time: 1998-09-02 06:36:55
Comments: I would like to come to know more about the Galpagos sailing experiences

Name: Alfred Rosario
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Puerto Rico
Time: 1998-08-28 00:27:41
Comments: Hello Erika and Achim! We met on the Ecuadorian C-130 when both of you were on your way to Baltra from Guayaquil. Achim, hope you are doing better. Anyway, our office is enjoying your webpage. We will be keeping tabs on your travels. Have a safe trip to the Marquesas. Bon voyaje!

Name: Judy
Referred by: Net Search
From: Las Vegas, NV
Time: 1998-08-27 16:22:22
Comments: Pardon me for going vicariously with you on this adventure. My husband, Paul, and I have spent 2 weeks sailing inland waterways in northern Ontario, Canada, tenting on land in isolated places. Have always though of your kind of adventure, but can't seem to let go of things like MONEY/ JOBS to make the leap. I feel like I have met a new friend through your writings, so I make our introduction. You are a lady after my own heart. Keep the dairy flowing!!!

Name: norman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: tennessee,usa
Time: 1998-08-26 20:15:27
Comments: just checking in...fair winds

Name: William M. Brown
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Westerly, RI, USA
Time: 1998-08-26 18:06:56
Comments: I'm green with envy - the best of luck smooth seas and following breezes for your whole trip.

Name: Rick Pasley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Seattle
Time: 1998-08-24 20:29:59
Comments: Best of luck in your continued journeys. I will be following along from afar, hoping for happiness for you both. Good sailing to you. Rick

Name: Cara Burres
Referred by: From a Friend
From: LA
Time: 1998-08-23 01:27:14
Comments: Wonderful to read of your adventures this way! I'll definately keep checking in to virtually tour the world with you. :)

Name: Jacqueline Brody
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Tucson, AZ
Time: 1998-08-22 08:38:51
Comments: My mother, Bonnie Farinas had the pleasure of meeting the two of you while traveling to the Galapagos Islands. She commented on your travels and said how much she enjoyed meeting the two of you. Good luck on your adventures. Jackie Brody

Name: Dedl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-08-21 21:17:50
Comments: Hej Erika und Achim Nun hab ich das Systen verstanden und auch die aktuellen Nachrichten gelesen. Ist ja alles verdammt spannend, obwohl Ihr euch ja wohl gerade in einer nicht ganz so angenehmen Situation befindet. Shit happens!!! Aber das ist bestimmt nicht das einzige Mal auf Euerm Trip... Hoffentlich kommt Ihr wieder gut zu Eurem Schiff und Euer Suedamerika-abenteuer hat nicht einen allzu faden Beigeschmack. Wieso fahrt Ihr an Californien vorbei? Geil, euch bald in der Suedsee zu wissen. Da werde ich wohl in Zukunft öfter mal in´s Internet gucken. Liebe Gruesse und alles Gute aus Schweden DEDL

Name: dieter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: munich-unterhaching
Time: 1998-08-21 08:28:41
Comments: hi erika

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Francisco
Time: 1998-08-20 22:52:02
Comments: Just wandering around the net looking for things about cruising. In the process of outfitting Spray 40 for extended travel. Departure south (Mexico and then Pacific) planned for September 1999. See you around.

Name: jorge granados
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Spain-Mallorca
Time: 1998-08-19 22:06:38
Comments: Hallo Achim und Ericka Freue mich immer wieder eure web zu besuchen.Alles liebe und gute fuer euch. von herzen.Eure Jorge aus Spanien. Ich segele weiter aber bedingt des alters,nur kurze strecken mehr.

Name: matsche
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-08-18 14:15:50
Comments: Viele liebe Grüße aus Merzig

Name: Sergio Bianchini & Irene Delaveris
Website: Universitete i Oslo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Argentina & Greece
Time: 1998-08-17 16:23:00
Comments: Hallo: We live in Norway but we are from Greece (Irene,32 years old) & Argentina (Sergio,36 years old). We would like to get contac with you because we want to know about your trip and sailing. We are planing to start sailing and may be you can tell us your experience. We like very much to travel but wen can´t now,we have a child and he is going to start the school(his name is Alexandros). Any way may be later we can do somthing like you did. For us, any answer from you is going to very nice. Thank you in advance. IRENE & SERGIO Note: Sorry, I don´t write so god English.Sergio We speak also norwigean,some german (irene) , spanish and greek.

Name: Kristina Petersen
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Faroe Islands
Time: 1998-08-17 14:41:22
Comments: Dear Erika and Achim! At last I got access to the net. Unfortunately I don't have the time to read of all your doing right now, that'll have to be later. I went to Denmark on the 9th of July from Panama City together with Karin, who decided to go home, too, as she didn't have the time. Then I went to the Faroes on the 17th, as my cousin was getting married on the 18th. Last week I was in Norway, sailing with my father and his boat, S/Y Kristina. Now I'm going to fix my future home, a room in Tórshavn. I'm going to study Faroese. With love, Kristina.

Name: Dr. Bill Brophy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arizona
Time: 1998-08-16 05:30:26
Comments: Hi Guys! Just wanted to inform you that all the doctores de los Galapagos made it safely back to the USA. Good luck with Zorayda & your travel to the Marquesas. Enjoyed meeting you both. Hasta luego y Caio!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Bill

Name: Zapadu
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-08-15 17:44:22
Comments: WordZap - The Action Word Game! Click here to download a FREE demo copy of WordZap WordZap is a fast-paced, addictive game where you race the computer or a human opponent to create the most words from a grid of letters. When opponents make the same word, it is ZAPPED! from their lists. Obscure words are instantly defined to help with your vocabulary. There are four game options available, Wordzap, EasyZap, LongZap and MatchZap, increasing in challenge. You can play WordZap in English, French, German or Spanish. As you get better at WordZap, your computer opponent becomes more clever, matching your ability. (at This 32-bit version of WordZap can be played by two humans over a network or the Internet. If you like Boggle or Scrabble you will love WordZap!

Name: Dedl
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Småland
Time: 1998-08-15 14:10:12
Comments: Hej på Er! Sitze grade im Wald im kalten und regnigen Norden und soll eigentlich die Buchfuehrung fuer Emmaus Björkå machen. Und da der Computer hier an´s Inter-nett angeschlossen ist, hab ich mal eben schnell gesucht... und gefunden. Und somit kann die Bilanz warten. Wie geht es Euch??? Habe natuerlich Eure homepage studiert und dabei ist mir doch leider recht deutlich geworden, wie wenig Englisch ich eigentlich verstehe. Shit! Aber man kann halt nicht alles können. Ich habe beispielsweise nicht so richtig kapiert, wo Ihr beide grad seid... Nur dass Ihr heute abend nicht auf ´ne flasche Wein vorbeikommt, ist mir klar. Schade eigentlich. Baba ist letzten Mittwoch wieder nach Helsinki gefahren und ich bin auch bald wieder auf dem Weg nach HH. Wir haben hier im Häuschen wieder eine sehr erholsame Zeit verbracht, diesmal gewuertzt mit einem Abstecher nach Dalarna in Mittelschweden. Dort waren wir in Schwedens grösstem Bärenpark und standen auf ca. einem Meter Abstand einem Bären gegenueber. Der war genau so n

Name: Tony Tharp
Website: The Boating News
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mississippi & South Carolina
Time: 1998-08-12 18:59:39
Comments: Interesting people make for interesting sites. Hope you picked up our regional (but growing) boating magazine -- The Boating News -- in the Carolinas or Georgia. Best wishes.

Name: Douglas&Ruth Young
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tacoma Washington
Time: 1998-08-12 18:21:46
Comments: The Pacific Northwest has some great cruising grounds. If you make it up north send us some E mail. Desolation Sound in Canada is wonderfull.

Name: Richard Crawford
Website: Coconut's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Biloxi, Mississippi USA
Time: 1998-08-11 20:42:34
Comments: My friend, Kathy, and our cat, Coconut, are sail boat live aboards here in Biloxi and admire everything you are accomplishing and experiencing. We're gonna do the same thing. Tomorrow.

Name: Richard Crawford
Website: Coconut's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Biloxi, Mississippi USA
Time: 1998-08-11 20:43:21
Comments: My friend, Kathy, and our cat, Coconut, are sail boat live aboards here in Biloxi and admire everything you are accomplishing and experiencing. We're gonna do the same thing. Tomorrow.

Name: Mike Lovejoy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Jose, CA
Time: 1998-08-10 20:38:43
Comments: Enjoy reading your column and following you on your journey. Good Luck!

Name: Katarzyna Winkowska-Nowak
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Poland, Warsaw & Boca Raton
Time: 1998-08-10 19:50:09
Comments: We met with Erica & Achim in Boca Raton Florida. We - i.e. Kasia, Andrzej & Krzys. We visited several times Pangaea and love it. We are sailors too, and travelers. Best from Warsaw, Poland.

Name: Terry and Jon Burke
Referred by: From a Friend
From: San Clemente, California
Time: 1998-08-10 16:52:05
Comments: Wow! What fun! Let us know if you need anything, or there's anything we can do :} T & J

Name: Don Kilgore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico
Time: 1998-08-09 18:01:53
Comments: Page is very enjoyable

Name: Brian Stewart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Victoria, British Columbia
Time: 1998-08-09 07:14:10
Comments: Really a pleasure to come across your site while looking for sailing stories in general. A sense of humour helps no matter where you are but without one a sailboat can be a pretty unhappy place. You two must be very happy and your wonderful stories are making a lot of others happy as well as we vicariously share your adventures. Bon voyage.

Name: Jon Doornink
Referred by: Geocities
From: Cheshire, Oregon & Chula Vista
Time: 1998-08-09 01:48:56
Comments: Haven't read your logs, yet. (Always sign in at weddings) s/v Seadream a Morgan 37 OI Mark II (rare bird) currently slipped in Chula Vista awaiting our return in November when we sail for La Paz and to gunkhole the Sea of Cortez during the long, cold and rainy Oregon winter.

Name: Rick Stever
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: California
Time: 1998-08-08 20:49:36
Comments: Received your latest update and just wanted to see how you guys were doing. If you get tired of all that blue water and clean air, you can stop by Los Angeles anytime! Have a safe trip.

Name: Hartmut Buehler
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1998-08-08 17:23:45
Comments: Hallo Ihr zwei, Das ist ja eine tolle Sache. Was braucht man dafür an Hardware? Amateurfunkzeugnis ?

Name: Holger Merk
Website: Schildkröten
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Deutschland
Time: 1998-08-08 15:48:51
Comments: Hallo! Ich bin Holger, ein begeisterter Segler und ein guter Freund von Henri, der mir Eure Internetadresse gab. Ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut und bin gleich wieder ins Schwärmen gekommen. Ich wünsche Euch eine schöne Zeit und viele unvergeßliche Erlebnisse. Ich bin im kommenden Monat segelmäßig von Darwin nach Thailand unterwegs worauf ich mich auch wieder riesig freue. Vielleicht könnt Ihr Euch mal melden, würde mich sehr freuen. Ansonsten weiterhin viel Spaß, Mast und Schotbruch, Holger

Name: E. Sterling Huff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Houston, Texas USA
Time: 1998-08-06 01:41:29
Comments: Hi! Caught your site looking for people cruising. My wife and I just got back from 10 days in St. Vincent on a Moody 44. Will be spending a month there next year cruising. Have fun! I'm looking forward to hearing what you are doing. Sterling

Name: Bob Taylor
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1998-08-04 17:33:16
Comments: Enjoy reading you post. What was the TNC you used before? Kam? Is the PTC II a lot better. I am using the Kam and W4NPX to send e-mail. Will be my means of communication when I go in about 3 years. Adagio is a Westsail 42 I am rebuilding. Fair winds and calm seas Bob and Peggy S/V Adagio

Name: Mary-Ellen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York
Time: 1998-08-04 03:20:01
Comments: Never got called a little old art teacher before. sounds so prosaic. Glad i don't think of myself that way. Just got to read your Galapagos diary. Interesting to see how different folks react to the same situation. I'm not an organized tour person myself having done most of my traveling independently. But the boat seemed to be the most controlling part of the situation for me- a Taurus. But I felt at ease with the group as a whole. Don't like to be overpowered by personal;ities and our grou7p jelled well. I did enjoy my 4 days at shore. did need to relax. see you got the kitten. Somehow i knew you would. and who can resist a kitten. they take over our lives. My cat was well and reaslly happy to see me when I came home. Has demanded alot of attention and is content again. Hi to Dave if he's still around. Mary-Ellen

Name: Katrina Rogal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pompano Beach FL. USA
Time: 1998-08-04 02:42:28
Comments: I'll be five in Sept. and I want to do what you are doing someday.Good luck and be safe.

Name: Eileen McCarthy
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Washington, DC
Time: 1998-08-03 01:21:54
Comments: Hi Erika -- I don't know if you remember me, but I knew your family long long ago. I got back in touch with Meryl, who sent me your URL. Cool page. Cool life. Good luck in your travels.

Name: Patrick R. McKeeby - N0ZO
Website: WinLink/NetLink
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lady Lake, Florida
Time: 1998-08-01 11:18:55
Comments: Was interesting to see the turtles on Galapogos. I saw these same type turtles while visiting the island of Zanzibar when I lived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The turtles were on another small island just off Zanzibar but I cannot remember the name of the island, there were three of them one was Prison Island the other was Grave Island but can't remember the third. I don't know if you've ever sailed the Indian Ocean but if you do please go to Dar es Salaam, the house we lived in was directly across the street from the yacht club of which I was a member. I have many found memories of Dar and wouldn't mind being there now. I enjoy reading your writings, just wish I could have the same lifestyle. Regards Pat.

Name: Taylor Kratt
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Minneapolis, MN
Time: 1998-07-30 16:46:54
Comments: Looks and sounds as though you lead a wonderfully interesting and exciting life. Salud!

Name: Joey & Terry Marullo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Time: 1998-07-30 14:44:43
Comments: We just returned from our sea trial cruise from New Orleans to Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Sometime in 1999, we will shove off for good. We have a Tayana 37 named Carpe Diem.

Name: Dave Cunningham
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: grew up in San Diego, now live in Greenville, South Carolina
Time: 1998-07-28 14:10:55
Comments: I appreciate the opportunity you have given us by sharing your experience. I recently bought a 14' Trac, catamaran which I sail in the local lakes. I would like to know where you are right now, how you still feel about sailing and if you ever go around exproring various islands or whatever. I am also a scuba diver (but enjoy snorkling better) and I'd like to know if you ever dive much and if you ever catch your own food? Take care and I'll talk to you all later, Dave

Name: Claudie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: HOT Claremont
Time: 1998-07-26 22:48:31
Comments: Well Erika, regarding the Darwin Ctr.-- mom has a yiddish word for one who "stirs the pot" - phonetically is something like: 'cuchleflah- thats with a Brooklyn accent where they drop the "R" - otherwise would sound like: "cuchlefler." I wish you success at affecting positive change in a foreign beauracracy- quite a challenge. If you manage to make enemies, you are going to have to train your new tiger to function as a bodyguard (well at least an ankle biter as this point!). If you end up in jail, and depend on family to bail you out, I'll be there with a good excuse to finally join the voyage!

Name: Shabtai Noy, Ph.D.
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jerusalem, Israel
Time: 1998-07-25 20:14:43
Comments: I am Lior Noy's father. I want to thank you for the hospitality you showed him and his friend. He was very excited to have met you, and we were intrigued at the story we heard from him and read in you diary. I wish you a successful journey in the future. Yours Shabtai Noy

Name: Mark Ritts
Referred by: From a Friend
From: L.A.
Time: 1998-07-25 04:54:32
Comments: What fun to watch your saga unfold! I'm writing and producing a PBS documentary, and Bronwyn Barkan is my [supremely competent] Associate Producer. She tipped me to your site. This is the sort of thing that leads me to consider early retirement (or at the very least, early semi-retirement) from the rat race to see some more of the world while I still have my health and the persistent illusion of youth. Thanks for sharing your adventures with the rest of us...

Name: Terry Horsley
Referred by: Geocities
From: Boston, MA USA
Time: 1998-07-23 21:38:14
Comments: Fantastic journey. Thanks for your daily doses of the life. I live aboard a dear, fat, old Morgan OI ketch, 41ft in Boston, and I've just quit my job. I'll be heading south for the eternal sunshine and eventually back to Australia, where I'm from (aboriginally)in November. So, it's head down, fix'erup, find a mate and wait for the hurricanes to blow over. Enjoy, I hope to ketch up with you guys one day. My boat is "Sweet Pea" Thanks once again for a great trip!

Name: Hans Kessler
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Mars
Time: 1998-07-23 13:16:57
Comments: Hi guys, Well, you complained I never signed this book - so here I come and do it (again). Although this means diddlysquat to me, apparently it is important to you. To you Erika: I do enjoy your writing which I peruse here and there. It gives me some good laughs when I need a break from the hectic business routine. I'm sure you're not missing that part of life and I sometimes wish I were where you are, doing what you do. But then reality sets in real quick again: been there, done that. I will never be that young and innocent again where I can afford to just screw off years of my life having fun - so back to work I go. Capitalism is great with a hefty price to be paid by those who reap its benefits. To Achim: By now the new WinNet product should be about ready for beta test, or are you running a little behind schedule? Just kidding, of course. Nothing is happening on this front yet. Our design meeting is set for August 22/23. 73s, Hans

Name: Dawn Elwell
Website: The Wolf'S Den
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Nevada
Time: 1998-07-22 06:34:18
Comments: Erika; Really enjoyed your letters.*Smile* Looking forward to reading more. BTW: My friend Dave asked about sending you some stuff...I can tell you would love some books.*GRIN* Will surprise you at The Marquesas. Dawn

Name: Carol Davis
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Columbus, Ga.
Time: 1998-07-21 20:14:49
Comments: Hi! My sister (Mary Travers)forwarded your e-mail to me. She thought I would enjoy reading it as much as she. I did and look forward to more. Thanks, Carol Davis

Name: Bruche Bierman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hollyweird, CA
Time: 1998-07-12 20:27:17
Comments: unique and creative as always. That's why I love you.p.s. Barbra Steisand is now Barbra Brolin.

Name: Heike und Matthias Gröhl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany
Time: 1998-07-12 13:03:13
Comments: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Eurer WEB-Site. Bei uns ist es heute ein lausig kalter und regnerischer Sonntag im Juli. Gerade das Richtige um schöne Bilder anzusehen. Tschüß bis bald, Heike und Matthias

Name: Marty
Referred by: Net Search
From: San Francisco Bay Area
Time: 1998-07-11 09:45:33
Comments: I have really enjoyed your web site. I read every link, story, and picture I could find. I look forward to additional entries in the weeks ahead.

Name: Steve Waterman
Website: K4CJX Winlink
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Nashville, TN
Time: 1998-07-11 01:33:46
Comments: Great Pix

Name: Kevin Lieder
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Time: 1998-07-09 15:47:36
Comments: My girlfriend, Hannah Aldeen (already signed your guestbook) bugs me every day to look at your site. We have discussed doing the very same thing you two are doing and someday will. I believe she is living vicariously through your website now which is okay. You have a very entertaining and informative piece of work going there. And you write wonderfully as well; it is not hard to imaging being right there with you. Good luck to you both, and happy sailing.

Name: Nancy Alley
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Boca Raton, Fl
Time: 1998-07-06 04:46:13
Comments: Wow:Spent last two hours reviewing your site as told to by Steve. Had read all letters when sent thru him past few months. Great adventures and descriptions and pix too.We are still working on Jack's recovery from the near fatal pneumonia started April 15th Still on Cortisone or he relapses. Will keep up with your progress from now on wishing a safe passage.Sorry your view of Galapagos was not wonderful like ours but understandable. Much love, Nancy

Name: Hannah Aldeen
Referred by: Net Search
From: Minneapolis Minnesota
Time: 1998-07-03 18:49:38
Comments: Hey you two-- I wrote yesterday. I'll probably write tomorrow. I love this site and I'm telling everyone I know. I love your journals. Could you write about your boat and the equipment you have, etc. And don't feel frustrated about only taking pictures of you two and the boat. Even if its the same two people and same boat, you are in a different place and seeing an updated picture with the text makes it easier to imagine being there with you.

Name: Hannah Aldeen
Referred by: Net Search
From: Minneapolis Minnesota
Time: 1998-07-03 00:33:34
Comments: Wow! Without a doubt my favorite site on the internet. I'm tracking your progress almost daily. In a few years my boyfriend, Kevin, and myself hope to be doing EXACTLY what you are doing. In the meantime, I must be content to live vicarously through you. Kevin is a computer consultant and does quite a bit of veb design and networking. I am a student at the University of Minnesota getting my degree in Geography, International relations and the Middle East.

Name: Chris & Lisa
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-06-29 18:01:26
Comments: Actually it's just me, Chris isn't here at the moment. Looks great, love the pics! Thanks for keeping us up to date on your life, we will try to do the same. All is very well on this end. Love, Lisa

Name: Alain Campignon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tahiti
Time: 1998-06-27 00:33:23
Comments: Erika, Je viens de visiter ton site et je l'ai trouvé super ! Nous serons ravis de vous accueillir, Achim et toi, lors de ton arrivée à Tahiti. D'ici là nous visiterons règulièrement ton site. A bientôt ! Alain

Name: John Baublits
Website: Sailors Choice
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Dana Point, CA
Time: 1998-06-26 16:50:40
Comments: Good Day Erika, F.J. says hello to. We will have your site up and running on Sailors Choice in all about cruising in a day or to. We enjoy reading your daily transmissions, and we are sure that many of our readers will enjoy it to. Best Regards John aka. Juan

Name: Darrylle Stafford
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Costa Rica
Time: 1998-06-25 18:25:46
Comments: Happy to connect with you again. Looking forward to our discussions.

Name: Nik. Groehl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hamburg natürlich
Time: 1998-06-23 21:53:45
Comments: Hi Achim, Hi Erika ! Ich bin todmüde und wollte nur mal eben in den Briefkasten schauen und bin dabei dann über Eure e-mehl gestolpert. Naja und wenn man schon an der Kiste sitzt, konnte ich es nicht lassen und werde mir gleich mal Eure Website anschauen. Der erste Eindruck war schon töffte! Bis denni Niko

Name: chip
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-06-23 04:30:08
Comments: Anecdote of the Jar Wallace Stevens I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill. The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar was round upon the ground And tall and of a port in air. It took dominion every where. The jar was gray and bare. It did not give of bird or bush, Like nothing else in Tennessee. The "Dominion Wide Mouth" Jar said to be (by Roy Harvey Pearce) the "source" for the "Anecdote of the Jar." SEARCH | POETRY HOME | ENGLISH 88 READING LIST | POETRY NEWS | FILREIS HOME Document URL: Last modified: Tuesday, 13-Aug-1996 00:39:54 EDT

Name: Mary
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: In Consisten
Time: 1998-06-21 03:15:06
Comments: Great photos and such candidly revealing content. As a never-sailed-beyond-the-Chesapeake traveler, Pangea's travels make me feel as though I reached well beyond those points.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-06-20 16:20:58
Comments: Keep the pictures coming. Have to go eat a bagel. will speak later. bon voyage

Name: Jim & Sue Corenman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: From : San Francisco; To: Who knows?
Time: 1998-06-17 13:23:28
Comments: Erika & Achim, We finally found a cybercafe to check out your site, Very Cool! And lots of answers to Important Questions, like What was it that happened to the supposedly indestructable Lavac anyway?? (Ham-fisted mechanic, Huh?) So is the PTC-II working yet? Did you download Airmail 1.4 yet? I just got it uploaded this very minute, at 128K-baud it didn't take long!! Happy trails and happy chirping! Jim & Sue

Name: Jim Doran
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Florida Keys, now working in P
Time: 1998-06-14 14:54:35
Comments: Small world! I was in Taboga last weekend and saw you boat anchored in the harbor. My wife and I have been living overseas for 20 years and moved to Panama in August. I have a 33' ketch in the Florida Keys that I am planning to bring to Panama in the near future. Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated. Jim Doran

Name: Ulrich Desmarowitz
Website: Sailing Yacht Koenigsfischer (link to my HP at the end)
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Flensburg, Germany, now living in New York
Time: 1998-06-10 19:32:28
Comments: Hi Achim und Erika, Ein tolles Project was ihr da laufen habt. Ich bin auch in Deutschland aufgewachsen und, nach 10 Jahren in London, England (als Arzt), lebe jetzt mit meiner burmesischen Frau in New York, vorruebergehend als Hausman. (Sie ist hier Aerztin). Nebenbei bin ich Webmaster fuer meinen besten Schulfreund, Martin. Zusammen sind wir gerade im Endstadium des Ausbaus einers 21m Schoners, der Koenigsfischer, die im Mittelmeer segeln wird, zumindest zum Teil als Charter - sonst koennen wir es uns nicht leisten. Als Softwareingeneur von Bord arbeiten zu koennen ist natuerlich beneidenswert. Viele Gruesse und weiterhin "Mast und Schotbruch" Ulli

Name: momma and papa
Website: forget us not
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the world
Time: 1998-05-31 14:49:40
Comments: keep the pictures coming. They are great. Love Mamalla and pappadoodle

Name: Wolf-Peter Evert
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Don't know
Time: 1998-05-30 18:32:32
Comments: Well done Erika & Achim Bitte schreibt mir mal wenn Ihr Zeit hab'ts Love Peter

Name: Erika and Achim In Panama!
Website: Pangaea´s wandering Website
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: All over the place!
Time: 1998-05-23 19:24:29
Comments: Hi everybody! Look, I am on land! Please keep these great messages coming, my webmaster forwards them to us on the high seas! I am sitting in an Internet "Cafe" in San Cristobal. Good to be on line. Hope you will come through the canal with us... Adios!

Name: Al Lee (WA4EWV)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Orange Park, Florida -- aboard
Time: 1998-05-21 14:10:45
Comments: Was sent here by "Heart of Gold", Jim. I am still working, but will be in The Bahamas late June, July and back to Florida early August. 73 AL and BETTIE aboard "Calamari"

Name: Ryan Cronin
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Los Gatos, CA, USA
Time: 1998-05-21 01:14:08
Comments: Thanks for the Conch

Name: gloria
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-05-19 21:10:05
Comments: Guten tag mein liebe kind.Your blouse is beautiful and your writing is truly professional. It is personal mixed in with history as well as a here and now experience. Love it, love youse. Mamalla

Name: Micki
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Germany
Time: 1998-05-19 19:38:41
Comments: Hi!!!!!!

Name: vivian
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: laguna beach
Time: 1998-05-19 16:41:35
Comments: It was so much fun to see a photo of the blouse that you traded. Great story, and interesting thoughts on how we view each other. Actually, me, I quite loved your paranoia. I also enjoyed scrolling throught the guest book and picking up messages from mutual friends. Will continue to avidly follow your adverntures. LOVE, V----------

Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Türkei / Ýstanbul
Time: 1998-05-17 11:08:34
Comments: Es ist zum beneiden wie Sie meine traume schon zur erfüllung gebracht haben.Hoffentlich wird auch meine reihe sehr bald kommen.Haben Sie viel Wind und Wellen. Gott soll Sie schützen! Taryk

Name: TONI
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-05-16 03:29:07

Name: chip plyler
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, USA
Time: 1998-05-14 04:12:36
Comments: We spend many nights dreaming of doing what ya'll are doing - please keep these vicarious passages coming.. Peace / God Bless / Good Wind

Total: 250 guests